Results for Summer Series #3

Good afternoon all,

The Summer Series descended on Honeydon this time and 33 riders were greeted with the normal British summer weather with rain from the start. The sections started rode well to start with and then got a little slippery by the fourth lap. Hopefully, you all had fun though

Summer Seriees Round 3 – Results

Expert Class

Martyn Rushbrook took the win on 14 marks lost

Closely followed by Christopher Jones on 15 marks lost

Third went to Craig Farrer on 22 marks, taking the place with more cleans than Mark Nunn.

Clubman Class

Making it a family affair, Peter Rushbrook took the win on 4 marks

Steve Peak took second on 9 marks

Rob Goodwin took third on 17 marks

Twinshock class

Craig Crowfoot won on 21 marks

Andy Aldhouse came in second on 33 marks lost

Novice Class

Simon Hood won on 14 marks lost

Steven Cooper took second place on 21 marks lost

Richard Osbourn and Stephen Roscamp both finished on 35 marks, but Richard took the place with most cleans

Sportsman Class

Martin Croker took the win on 21 marks lost

Paul Harvey took second place with 22 marks lost

Brian Dix came in third with 23 marks lost

Youth B (Middle route)

Alfie Chesman took the win on 44 marks lost

Tommy Goodwin came in second  on 54 marks lost

The club would like to thank the working party for setting out the sections, our fantastic observers who braved the rain to watch us sliding around and the land owner.

Our next event is the Summer Series Round 4 again at Honeydon on the 2nd August, entries will be open this week on the ACU site only: Online Entries


Summer series #3

Entires are now open for the nest summer series trial at Honeydon on 5th July.

NOTE this is a closed to club event

Online entries only, no entries at the start. Online Entries

NB from 12th June Sport 80 will email a security code the first time you login from a device. Just copy the code from the email and paste into the code box on the login screen. This is just a security enhancement and will only need to be done once for each device.